LOGIK Washing Machine Error Codes – How To Clear
Here is a list of washer error codes for Logik Washing Machines. If you cannot find your error code below, go to the bottom of the page and ask us. We will be happy to assist you with your washing machine error code and can help you to troubleshoot your specific washing machine issue. If your washer error code is found below, this error list will tell you what part is faulty or has failed. This list is based on the washing machine manufacturers list of error codes. NOTE: There are different model numbers that correspond with the error codes below, make sure the washer error code applies to your washer model number before doing any repairs.
LOGIK Washing Machine Error Codes
Logik Washing Machine Error 02:
Error Code Definition: The water level in your machine is below the heater. The pressure of your water may be too low.
Logik Washing Machine Error 03:
Error Code Definition: The pump had failed or the pump is obstructed.
Logik Washing Machine Error 05:
Error Code Definition: The heater or heat sensor has failed.
Logik Washing Machine Error 06:
Error Code Definition: The motor has failed.
More Logik Washer Error Codes with “How To Clear & What To Check To Fix”…
Logik Washing Machine Error 10: “E10”
Error Code Definition: Water drain time out or failure
The washing machine has failed to drain the water in allotted time (6 minutes).
How To Clear Error Code:
-Check that filter is not blocked or kinked
-Check drain hose is clear of blockage or kinks
-Check wires to drain pump
-Check drain pump is not faulty
-Check level sensor and switch
-Check wires to level sensor
Logik Washing Machine Error 12: “E12”
Error Code Definition: Washing machine has detected overfill.
This error code can be caused by oversudsing from overloading or by adding too much detergent.
The pressure sensor will read that there is too much water in the washer.
How To Clear Error Code:
-Check for sudsing
-Check the air chamber & the pressure switch hose
-Check water level sensor
-Check the wiring to water pressure sensor
-Check connections to water level sensor
-Check main electronic control board
Logik Washing Machine Error 21: “E21”
Error Code Definition: Washer has not drained in allotted / time washer not draining.
How To Clear Error Code:
-Check that filter is not blocked or kinked
-Check drain hose is clear of any blockage or kinked
-Check wires to drain pump
-Check drain pump is not faulty
-Check level sensor and switch
-Check wires to level sensor
Logik Washing Machine Error 30: “E30”
Error Code Definition: Washer door lock not operational operate and or not responding.
Error with the door safety lock switch or interlock prevent operation.
How To Clear Error Code:
-Check that door is closed and shut properly
-Check wires to door switch
-Check door lock for faults
Logik Washing Machine Error 30: “E60”
Error Code Definition: Washer motor failure or fault.
Washers main drive motor circuit error.
How To Clear Error Code:
-Check motor connection block
-Check motor carbon brushes to see if worn
-Check wires
-Check tachometer connections
-Check motor for other faults
Logik Washing Machine Error 61: “E61”
Error Code Definition: Motor tachometer generator fail.
Error on the washers main drive motor circuit in connection with overheat protector in the motor.
How To Clear Error Code:
-Check motor connection block
-Check motor carbon brushes for wear
-Check wiring
-Check tachometer connections
-Check motor for other faults
LOGIK washing machine spare parts – Replacement Parts
CR :: https://removeandreplace.com/2016/07/18/logik-washing-machine-error-codes-how-to-clear/